EnerBee: Motion-Based Energy Harvester that will replace Batteries
Founded in 2014, EnerBee is an industrial startup based in France and specialized in motion-based energy harvesters. The company is the...
Founded in 2014, EnerBee is an industrial startup based in France and specialized in motion-based energy harvesters. The company is the...
Source: chili.epfl.ch Il progetto CoWriter si propone l’obiettivo di capire come un robot possa aiutare i bambini nell’apprendimento della scrittura, con...
Per poter comprendere al meglio cosa si intende quando si parla di Ingegneria Elettronica, proviamo a fare un tuffo nel...
network, Close-up Engineering, Credits: ms-computers.it More and more overwhelmed by the relentless competitive pressure and customer orientation have led companies...
Brain imaging (or neuroimaging) provides a non-invasive support to neuroscience to study brain processes. This sector has seen rapid growth...
La vista di un oggetto simile ad un serpente vicino ai vostri piedi invia segnali neurali all’amigdala, una struttura cerebrale...
Source: ms-computers.it Sempre più schiacciate dalla incalzante pressione competitiva e l’orientamento al cliente hanno portato le aziende a reingegnerizzare i...
Source: boundless.com La parola outsourcing descrive l’affidamento di processi, mansioni o progetti interni a fornitori di servizi esterni. Le imprese...
techrepublic.com It uses the term big data to describe a collection of datasets so large and complex as to require...
The founder of the company Arx Pax, Greg Henderson, is the inventor of Hendo, a board that allows you to...