Reality Editor : The new MIT revolution for domotics
Imagine to live in a house where you can program every single object to react in a specific way when a specific event occurs. That’s it, with Reality Editor.
How does it work?
Reality Editor is the new mobile app developed at MIT which is based on the Open Hybrid technology, a system which lets you link specific functionalities of different smart objects one to the other, even if they’re based on different smart technologies: they just have to be compatible with Open Hybrid.
For example you could link your alarm clock to the coffee machine, even if they’re from different vendor.
And Reality Editor it’s built upon tat system.
You will just have to point the Reality Editor at your open hybrid compatible alarm clock, then its functionalities will appear on the screen, so that you can draw a line to the functionality of the open hybrid compatible coffee machine.
That’s it. You will program all of the object of your house without coding, just moving you smartphone.
A revolution of domotics.
The Reality Editor is a result of three years of MIT research. The goal of their research is the creation of technology that grants the user maximum control by leveraging human strength such as spatial coordination, muscle memory and tool-making.
The high costs of domotics are caused by the fact that it’s difficult to create a standard product to sell, because every house it’s different and every user has different needs. Standard product cannot satisfiy every user. On the other side, customized product means personalized programmed functions, and it’s impossible to customize every product for every user at a low cost.
But if you let the product be compatible to Open Hybrid and open to be reprogrammed in an easy way, every user can customize his own product, just with Reality Editor.
If you didn’t watch the video, just watch it. You won’t regret.